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Cell Wall

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Q: Which organelle provides animal cells with support from inside of the cell?
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Which organelle supply energy to the cell?

The mitochondria is the main organelle that provides energy for the cell. The second organelle is the Golgi apparatus. It stores, transports, and releases the energy inside and outside of the cell.

Is a smooth ER a plant or an animal?

Smooth ER (SER) is an organelle found inside both plant and animal cells. They are not plants or animals.

What supports the cells organelle?

The cytoplasm, which is the gel-like fluid called cytosol inside the cell, suspends the organelles. The cytoskeleton also plays a role in support of organelle structures.

What organelle is responsible for the digestion of damaged cells inside an animal cell?

Im so sorry i dont kno the answer

What digests worn out cells and food?

lysosomes-they are a membrane-bound organelle located inside animal cells. plants do not have them

Is a nucleus a cell organelle or a cell part?

Yes, nucleus is an organelle. The word means little organ. Organs make up a complete plant or animal.

What structures provide support in the cell?

The cytoskeleton is the dynamic organelle that provides the cell with strtuctural support. It helps maintain cell shape, organizes the organelles, and enables the cell to move using the flagellum or cilia.

What digests worn out cell parts and food?

lysosomes-they are a membrane-bound organelle located inside animal cells. plants do not have them

What provides support and keeps organelles position properly inside the cell?

Cell Walls.

Do Golgi complex contain organelles?

The Golgi complex itself is an organelle. It is contained within a eukaryotic cell. It does not have any organelles in its interior ========================= Golgi complex (Golgi apparatus or Golgi bodies) is an organelle, situated inside plant and animal cells. It's function is to package, store, sort out, modify, and send chemicals to their destined places.

What organelle includes everything inside the animal cell besides the nucleus?

The cytoplasm has all the organelles in the cell membrane except for the nucleus.

What organelle is a gellike material inside cells?

Cytoplasm, but it isn't an organelle.