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Q: Which organelle would be present in large numbers in cells that picture produced by an electro microscope showed channels that criss-crossed the cell?
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Mitochondrion is the organelle function in eukaryotic cellular respiration where in ATP is produced. ATP is the energy created for an organism to operate.

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The sharpness of an image produced by a microscope is called magnification.?

No. Magnification refers to how many times larger an image is made.The sharpness of an image produced by a microscope is called resolution.

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When did Theodor Schwan invent the microscope?

Theodor Schwan did not invent the microscope. Hans and Zacharias Jansen did. He produced the 1st compound microscope in the late 1500's.

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There is no cell organelle that makes an apple sweet. The glucose that is produced by the cells is what makes the apple taste sweet.