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Proteins contain the majority of nitrogen in the body which is what will ultimately form urea.

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Q: Which organic molecule puts extra strain on kidneys because of the effort necessary to convert ammonia to urea?
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Which bacteria convert urea to ammonia?

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well you could add bleach, but that would just release the ammonia as a gas

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Do kidneys convert ammonia to bicarbonate ion?

Converting ammonia to bicarbonate ion seems like something an alchemist would do. Kidneys (ours, at least) convert nitrogenous wastes (things like ammonia or compounds with an amine group attached - R-NH2) to urea, which is far less toxic than ammonia.

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Ammonium ions

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Are enzymes required in cellular respiration?

Yes. Many enzymes are necessary for many of the reactions that convert macromolecules into ATP or energy. Without these enzymes, cellular respiration may take days to break down on molecule of glucose.

What is the process by which bacteria use enzymes to convert nitrogen into ammonia called?

the answer is "nitrogen fixation" because nitrogen fixation is The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds, such as ammonia, by natural agencies or various industrial processes.Read more: nitrogen-fixation

What is the process by which bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonia is?

Nitrogen Fixation