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Q: Which organism convert nitrogen into a form that is unsable by humans?
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How do humans use nitrogen?

Humans use nitrogen in the form of proteins. Bacteria found in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates that plants use to produce proteins.

What organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is by humans?

Bacteria Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

What organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

How are the carbon and nitrogen cycles connected?

The carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle are related due to both plants and mammals using them. Plants take both carbon and nitrogen in and convert them to sugars and proteins that humans eat when eating the plants.

How has the element nitrogen helped humans?

Nitrogen help humans in diffrent ways

Which organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria =========================== Specifically a particular type of bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of certain plants (eg the Legume family) called "Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria" . Not other bacteria decompose organic material and release nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

How do humans add nitrogen to the biosphere?

Humans add nitrogen to the biosphere in the form of nitrate, a major component of plant fertilizer.

What do animals use nitrogen for?

The same reason humans do. People breath oxygen and nitrogen.

What are the risks of nitrogen to the human body?

It is possible for humans to suffocate and die in pure nitrogen.

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What do humans do that provides nitrogen to our to our gardens?


How do humans get nitrogen they need?

By eating plants