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Q: Which organism in a food chain can transform light energy into chemical bond energy?
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Explain how energy is transferred through a food chain?

Energy is transferred through a food chain when an organism eats another organism. As the food chain progresses, less energy is available when an organism is consumed.

What type of energy are you taking in when you eat fruits and vegetables?

Food energy is chemical energy. Organisms break down food to extract the things that they need to stay healthy, and it's a chain of biochemical reactions that powers the organism.

Why is there a antarctic food chain?

When there is a transfer of energy from living organism to living organism, a food chain is created.

What do the arrows in the food chain represent?

How energy moves from organism to organism.

Why are the arrows on a food chain not pointed the other way?

The arrows in a food chain indicate the direction of energy flow from organism to organism.

What is the energy chain for eating a banana?

A type of chemical energy.

What is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain?

energy is transferred from on animal to the other animal. Because energy can't be destroyed only transferred

Transfer of food energy from one source to another in stages is called what?

This is called a food chain. Food Chain- The moving of energy from one organism to another

How does energy flow through food chains in the rock pool?

Energy and nutrients are passed from organism to organism, through the food chain as one organism, eats another.

How energy transfer from organism to another?

Energy transfers from one organism to another by organisms eating other organisms in a food chain or web.