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Q: Which orgen absorbs excess water in food?
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Is excess water reabsorbed from the small or large intestine?

The small intestine absorbs food and the large intestine absorbs water.

What organ absorbs excess water from undigested food prior to its release from the body as a solid waste?

The large intestine absorbs excess water from the undigested matter that will then become feces.See the Related Link below.

Does the amount of digested food digested in the large intestine increases?

The volume of the undigested food decreases as it passes through the large intestine. As the colon absorbs excess water from undigested food waste, the volume of that waste decreases.

What absorbs water and salts from food?


What substance absorbs microwaves?

Water Molecules in the food

What type of food passes into the large intestine?

By the end of the small intestine, the nutrients have been digested from the food. What remains is waste. The large intestine absorbs excess water and a few vitamins from this waste, and then passes it out of the body via the rectum.

What chemical in food absorbs energy from microwaves?

Water molecules

What organ or structure absorbs water and salts from food?

large instestine

Where does your food go after the small intestines?

Into the Large intestine were it then absorbs water

How does yeast get food?

yeast is a consumer

Where will excess water be removed from the undigested food?

The Uterus

What food do astrounarts eat?

Mostly astronauts will have freezed - dried foods. Astronauts will squeeze water into food packages and then eat the food after it absorbs water.