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All of the others in the same row of the Periodic Table as sodium.

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Chauncey Kihn

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2y ago
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Leonora Medhurst

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1y ago

All of the others in the same row of the Periodic Table as sodium.

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13y ago

All of the others in the same row of the Periodic Table as sodium.

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Q: Which other elements contain the same number of atomic shells as sodium?
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What is used to order elements on the periodic table?

Elements on the periodic table are ordered by increasing atomic number, which represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. This results in elements with similar chemical properties being grouped together in columns called groups or families. Additionally, elements are organized in rows called periods based on the number of electron shells present in their atoms.

What does the period number tell you?

The period number in the periodic table indicates the energy levels or shells where the element's electrons are located. Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells.

What is different in number of shells in magnesium and sulphur?

There are no difference in the number of shells in magnesium and sulphur. Both elements contain 3 shells. However, the total number of electrons in the shells are different. Magnesium has 12 electrons in its shells whereas sulphur has 16 electrons in its shell. In addition, the electrons in the valence shell (outermost shell) are also different. Magnesium has 2 electrons in its valence shell whereas sulphur has 6 electrons in its valence shell.

How is each element placed in the periodic table?

Elements are arranged into rows in order of increasing mass, so that elements with similar properties were in the same column. They are organized by type, such as nonmetals, metals, and metalloids, and solids, liquid, gas, or not found in nature.

What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go down a group on the periodic?

The atomic radius of elements increases as you go down a group. This increase in radius as you go down a period is primarily caused by the increasing principal quantum number of the outer electron shells.

Related questions

Which other elements contain the same number of atomic shells as sodium written as the chemical symbols?

The elements potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), and cesium (Cs) each contain the same number of atomic shells as sodium.

What element has the same number of atomic shells as sodium?

Magnesium has the same number of atomic shells as sodium. Both elements have 3 atomic shells.

The rows going across the periodic table is known as periods and contain elements with the same number of?

The rows going across the periodic table are known as periods and contain elements with the same number of electron shells.

Does mg have the same number of atomic shells as na?

No, magnesium (Mg) has 3 atomic shells while sodium (Na) has 2 atomic shells. The number of atomic shells is determined by the number of electron shells in an atom.

What happens to the atomic radii of the elements as a group is descended?

As we descend down the group, the atomic radii increases. This is because the number of shells increases.

Which determine the chemical properties of an element?

the atomic masses and atomic numbers... group number and period number... valence electrons and number of shells... these all determine the chemical properties of elements...

What are elements of a group that has the same number of shells?

The elements in a group do not have the same number of shells, however, the elements in a horizontal row do have the same number of shells.

How does the size of elements vary down the group in the periodic table?

Atomic size increases down the group. The number of shells increases causing more atomic radius.

What characteristics must two elements share if they are in the same period?

Elements in the same period share the same number of electron shells. This means they have similar atomic sizes and properties because they have the same number of electron shells determining their size and behavior.

How are elements are arranged on periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer first arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic masses. Bohr and Henry Moseley then arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic number.

How many electrons are all atoms trying to get?

Atoms are trying to get a stable electron configuration, usually by filling their outermost energy level with a full set of electrons. This typically involves having 8 electrons in the outermost energy level, except for hydrogen and helium, which only need 2 electrons.

Why do elements increase in size as you move down the periodic table?

Down the group, atomic radius increases. This is due to increase in number of shells.