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There are no difference in the number of shells in magnesium and sulphur. Both elements contain 3 shells. However, the total number of electrons in the shells are different. Magnesium has 12 electrons in its shells whereas sulphur has 16 electrons in its shell. In addition, the electrons in the valence shell (outermost shell) are also different. Magnesium has 2 electrons in its valence shell whereas sulphur has 6 electrons in its valence shell.

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Q: What is different in number of shells in magnesium and sulphur?
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Magnesium has three electron shells. The electron configuration is 2,8,2

What is the number of electron shells in the element magnesium?

Rather than to give a simple number as answer, I suggest to look up Magnesium on wikipedia, where you will even find a picture with the electron configuration. (And this method can be applied to answer the same question for any other element.)

How many electrons does an atom have with an atomic number of 12?

2 electrons there will be only 3 shells these shells are filled with electrons in this order; 2, 8, 8. But as you only have twelve there is no second eight it just has 2 electrons in that shell, lol well anyways the answer is two.