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Q: Which part of a feedback mechanism causes change to make up for the departure from the set point?
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What is a control mechanism that responds to a stimulus by decreasing its intensity called?

There are two kinds of feedback in the control of the body. Negative feedback occurs when a change happens in the body that makes the body beyond it's homeostatic level. Negative feedback reverses those changes and returns the body back to it's normal stage. Positive feedback occurs to temporarily amplify or enforce the change that is occurring. This process causes a number of increases until a signal is sent to the brain to stop the process.

Mechanism that allows the body to change an internal condition back to normal?

Homeostatic mechanisms return the body to its normal state. Most of these are controlled by negative feedback.

How feedback mechanism maintains homeostasis?

Feedback mechanisms help to maintain homeostasis or humans by providing a way for us to know if we are headed in the right direction. If we are off course we can change the course for the betterment for everyone.

What is postive feedback?

when a change happens, positive feedback is a response to that change that encourages the change further, instead of trying to inhibit the change like negative feedback.

Which process illustrates a feedback mechanism in plants?

A process that illustrates a feedback mechanism in plants is when the guard cells change the size of a leaf's openings to control gas exchange. Guard cells are located in the epidermis of leaves.

How do you change a feedback on eBay?

You can't. The feedback left/received is permanent.

What is the process called where the environment in which a species lives causes a change to the collective genes of that species?

Natural selection, which is the mechanism for evolution.

Describe why a thermostat is an example of a feedback loop?

because a change in one factor (the temperature) causes a response that brings that factor back to normal. example. control center

How does a change in one quantity affect the change in other quantities?

Feedback in general is the process in which changing one quantity changes a second quantity, and the change in the second quantity in turn changes the first.Positive feedback amplifies the change in the first quantity while negative feedback reduces it.....

What is abrupt climate change?

feedback loops

What process is a mechanism of evolution?

Natural selection is a mechanism of adaptive change in evolution.

What is homeostatic regulation?

Homeostatic regulation is controlled in the body by the autonomic nervous system and seeks to maintain relatively stable conditions in the internal environment. The main gland of homeostasis is the hypothalamus and the major organ of homeostasis are the kidneys.