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The leaves lose chloroplasts as summer turns to fall.

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Q: Which part of a green plant would lose the most chloroplasts as summer turns to fall?
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Which part of the green plant would lose most chloroplasts as summer turns to fall?


What in a plant cell makes the plant green and contain chlorophipyll?

Chlorophyll, located in the chloroplast, turns a plant green

Why grasses perish under shade?

All green plants have a a organelle (a little organ) called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which react with sunlight in a process called photosynthesis where by a plant makes sugar (glucose) for energy the process is as follows:carbon dioxide and water--turns in to (with the aid of sunlight and chlorophyll)--oxygen and glucoseSo if grass (or any green plant) does not get enough sunlight it can not make energy for itself and shall perish.

Plants are green because they contain?

Plants look green because inside the leaves there are chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are green and they are there to help make energy for the plant using the sun to make glucose (energy). In autumn/fall the leaves dont need the chloroplasts because there is less sun so the plant turns red/yellow/brown. A plant also contains xanthophyll and other things that are coloured yellow/red/brown, the xanthophyll is usually covered up by the chloroplast. So when there is no chloroplasts the Xanthophyll can change the leaf colour.

What does chloroplasts do in your body?

Absolutely nothing. Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells and collect and store energy and nutrients for the cell. They also have something called chlorophyll in them witch turns the plant green.

Do cheek cells have chlorophyll?

no cheek cells do not have chlorophyll only plant cells have chlorophyll its what turns the plant green.No, chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants, which takes part in the process of photosynthesis. It is not found in cheek cells.

What is cell Chloroplasts used for?

chloroplast is inside a plant cell and is basically a feature in the cell that allows the plant to use photosynthesis and make its own food it also turns the plant green which is one of the many reasons why animal cells dont have them .

What are analogies for chromoplasts?

A chloroplast is what turns a plant green.

What does the chloroplast function in the plant cell?

Its function is to carry photosynthesis.It produces food for plant.

An analogy for chloroplast?

The chloroplast is like a paint that's green and turns the plants green in the painting. Because the chloroplast turns plants green, and that's why the plants are green, it's like a color paint for your painting.

Name a structure present in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

Chloroplasts, central vacuole and cell wall

Why are green algae green?

They are single celled organisms, not like plants which have many cells. however green algae is a protist