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hydrophobic end

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Q: Which part of a soap is responsible for its ability to dissolve fats and oily dirt?
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What will lipids dissolve in if the can't dissolve in water?

Fats and oils.

What macromolecules is primarily responsible for the insolubility of cell membranes in water?

Lipids or fats are insoluble in water. Things that do not dissolve in water are generally termed lipophilic.

What fats have the ability to produce cholesterol?

saturated fats

What is fat-solube?

fat-solube is another name for lipophilicity a ability of a chemical compound to dissolve in fat,oils,lipids,and fat-solube non-polar solvents like hexane

What do fats dissolve in?

Non-polar liquids (like alcohol).

What dissolve fats?

i think haet dissolves animal fat

What is a type of biochemical that does not dissolve in water including fats and steroids?

A lipid

Why oils and and fats don't dissolve in water?

Fats and oils are not polar substances, water is.Generally, polar solutes, like simple alcohols, dissolve in polar solvents, like water. Non-polar solutes, like fats and oils, dissolve in non-polar solvents, like benzene (and many others). Rule of thumb: like dissolves in like.

How do you dissolve belly fat? A good and delicious 42 recipes to help dissolve belly fats fast. Copy the link into your browser.

What nutrients provide energy and dissolve and carry certain vitamins to cells?


What are the fat solvents?

Solvents which can dissolve fats,e.g ether, benzene, acetone.

Can fish oil dissolve body fats?

it doesnt dissolve fat throughout your body , but does help the function of your brain and overall increases your health.