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i think its called like an unculoberculcio, i know it's pronounced like that but probably not spelled like that. i hope i helped!

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The part that is completely translucent... the cornea.

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Q: Which part of human eye has no blood cells?
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Which part of eyes receive no blood at all?

The human body is made up of cells. No matter which part of the body we speak about, they are all made of cells. All cells need oxygen (which is delivered via blood). Therefore all parts of the eye receive blood.

What part of the eye has highest blood flow of any human tissue?


What cells are in the eye?

White blood cells

A human eye has more of what cells?

light sensitive cells

Which part of the eye which is devoid of blood vessels?

The part of your eye that receives no blood at all is the cornea. This is the clear and transparent part of the eye and it does not have any blood vessels.

What is the only part of the eye that has blood in the cow's eye?

The retina is the only part of the cow's eye that has blood in it. The retina is the layer of tissue on the back portion of the eye.

Is breaking eye blood cells bad?


Is there a body part that starts with z?

Zonules are part of the human eye. The zygomatic bone is a body part.

What is the palindrome for a part of the human body?

The 'eye' is a possibility

How does the human eye process the light?

The retina is covered with specialized cells called rod cells (black and white) and cone cells (colors) they convert electrons that hit them into electrical impulses/nerve impulses that are interpreted by the brain. The locations of the millions of cells are transmitted in-time and curiously upside-down. The brain 'flips' the image to right side up.

The color of the human eye is the?

The iris is the colour part of the eye.

Which part of the human eye is stored in an eye bank?
