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Q: Which part of the Constitution ensures that the colonial grievance above never occurs in the US which article?
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Which Articles of Indian Constitution ensures Freedom of Press in India?

Article 19

What part of the Constitution ensures this?

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The framers created article 5 to ensures that?

that the constitution would be a living, breathing document. ~Ham

What section of the US Constitution ensures that a legal marriage in one state must be accepted in all other states?

This is the Full Faith and Credit Clause in Article IV Section 1 of the US Constitution.

In Article IV in the constitution what does full faith and credit mean?

laws passed in one state are honored by other states.

How does the Indian constitution protects the rights of women?

Article 14 of the Indian constitution protects equality of all citizens under the law, and this equality is extended to women. Article 15(1) prohibits discrimination based on any inherent characteristic, including sex or gender, and Article 15(3) allows the state to make special provisions for women and children. Article 16(1) ensures equality in employment in the government sector, and Article 16(2) specifically extends this equality to women. Article 23 protects the woman's right to consider an abortion, historically when the case involves a rape. Article 23 prohibits human trafficking and forced labor, which has helped to keep women out of forced prostitution.

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It ensures that any laws passed, abide by the Constitution.

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It ensures that the Constitution is the ultimate authority. (Study Island)

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judicial review

What law ensures open debate?

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, at least for Americans.

Why did the framers create article 5 to ensures that?

the constition would be a living breathing document that would change with the times