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They were trying to get across the river

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Q: Which part of the Lewis and Clark journey was the most difficult?
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Why did Lewis and Clark chose to travel by the rivers for most of the journey?

it is easier to travel on water.

What river helped guide Lewis and Clark on most of their journey?

pacific ocean or columbia river

Where did Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's journey begin?

There journey began in St.Louis (Or at least that's what most people think).Your Welcome!

What was probaly the most important result of the expedition?

the most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What was the most important result in the expedition?

he most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What was the most difficult part of the Lewis and clark trip?

they wanted to go a different way

Along what river did the Lewis and Clark expedition travel for most of the journey?

The Lewis and Clark expedition followed the Missouri river westward, through what is now Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. This expedition began on May 14, 1804.

Did Lewis and clark use a compass?

Most likely, yes. Compasses were in regular use well before the time of Lewis and Clark.

What were some of the difficulties the Lewis and Clark expedition faced on their journey?

Lewis and Clark did not have an easy journey. They faced many challenges along the way. One of their most difficult challenges was passing over the western mountains. During this time, the men couldn't find much to eat and in desperation ate horses, dogs , and spoiled food. Sometimes the weather was extremely hot. At other times, the cold temperatures and Snow made it almost impossible to travel. Many men battled frostbite. But the expedition did eventually reach the Pacific Ocean.

What was weapon Lewis and Clark use the most?

the sextant

What did Lewis and Clark discover along their journey?

Lewis' and Clark's journals of the expedition describe the natural resources and native peoples of the West and contain information on many scientific matters. Over the two year journey, the expedition had made more discoveries of landscapes, rivers, native cultures, zoology, and botany of North America than any scientific expedition. Their results/contributions were many and lasting.One of the most significant contributions of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was a better perception of the geography of the Northwest and the production of the first accurate maps of the area. During the journey, Lewis and Clark prepared approximately 140 maps.A second achievement of the expedition was a better understanding of the country's natural resources. During the journey, they were able to find and categorize 122 new animals and 178 plants.

Who did most of the mapping in the Lewis and clark expedition?

Clark. He made the maps and directed the boats.