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Lower back

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Q: Which part of the body would you have hurt if you sprained the muscle at the back of your lower leg?
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Related questions

Where is the largest muscle in the body located at?

The bulkiest would be the glutenous maximus. the main "butt" muscle. the largest surface area would be the latimus Dosi "lower back" muscle .

Why does your lower back swell to the size of a large hand you have bulging at L5-S1?

It is likely NOT a true "swelling" (such as the swelling around a sprained ankle). Instead, you probably have an area of muscle spasms. Muscles can feel "swollen" and hard when a person has a back injury. Let your doctor examine the area and ask if there is an anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxer that might help you.

What does a Dull ache on right side mean?

If you have back pain on the right side of your back, you may have sprained or pulled a muscle. It could also be the area around your kidneys that is sore.

Why have I got twinges in my lower back?

There are a few reasons why you might have twinges in your lower back. You could have a pulled muscle.

What is the large paired superficial muscle of the lower back?

the gluteus maximusLatissimus dorsiThe Latissimus Dorsi is the most superficial muscle of the lower backlatissimus dorsi

Is scoliosis worse than a sprained back?

Yes because sprained backs heal scoliosis can be permanent

Can core muscle strength increase lower back pain?


What can do for pulled muscle lower back?

Avoid using it until it heals.

Where is your gastrocnemius?

This muscle is found in the lower part of the leg

What does it mean if your lower back hurts when you sneeze?

You could have strained or pulled a muscle.

I'm having lower back pain what can cause that?

Many things can cause lower back pain such as a pulled muscle or even a kidney infection.

What have you done to your leg if it hurts at the back?

Sprained Achilles Tendon