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Q: Which part of the cell cycle should be corrected in before the cell moves on and divide if something goes wrong in the replication of DNA?
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Cells must copy their DNA before they do what?

Cells must copy their DNA before they can divide into new cells. Replication (of DNA) before division (of the cell)

What is the replication or synthesis of DNA and associated proteins that happens before cells divide?

Look up HeLa cells!

When does DNA replication opccur?

whenever a cell divide it has to make equal copies of chromosoes! so it synthesis during the cell cycle phases, before mitosis..

How does replication ensure that identical copies of DNA are made?

The DNA is a double-helix, two strands of nucleotides that are required to pair up in a particular way: adenine to thymine, and guanine to cytosine. During replication, this pairing code is kept perfectly, ensuring that each copy is identical.

What is the purpose of DNA replication.?

DNA replication is a necessary preliminary step for cell division, for both meiosis and mitosis. It creates the 2 chromatids that are found in chromosomes that are preparing to divide. By this process, the whole chromosome is essentially duplicated, but is still held together by a common centromere.

Related questions

DNA replication occurs?

The Replication of DNA does occur before the cell can divide.

Cells must copy their DNA before they do what?

Cells must copy their DNA before they can divide into new cells. Replication (of DNA) before division (of the cell)

What is the replication or synthesis of DNA and associated proteins that happens before cells divide?

Look up HeLa cells!

Why is an replication of DNA essential in al cells?

DNA replication is necessary as cells constantly divide.

is a reason cells divide?

The cells divide into two daughter cells, to make way for replication.

When does DNA replication opccur?

whenever a cell divide it has to make equal copies of chromosoes! so it synthesis during the cell cycle phases, before mitosis..

Which cell division occurs after DNA replication?

DNA replication occurs just before cell division, meaning both daughter cells have DNA occurs during interphase

What must occur before replication can begin?

The replication of DNA occurs whenever the cell needs the S shape division. This happens since when we divide, enough DNA is needed to be pass on to our daughters.

How do prokaryotic cells divide?

Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission. The genetic material is separated into two daughter cell after a DNA replication.

What is copied before mitosis begins?

DNA, the genetic material, of course. Also mitochondria and chloroplasts need to divide. This is the process of mitosis where two daughter cells are produced and both will need the complete complement of genetic material; DNA.

Why does DNA replication occur?

DNA replication for occurs for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason that DNA replication occurs is to ensure the passing on of DNA>.

When does a cell replicates its entire chromosomal DNA only?

The cell replicates its entire chromosomal DNA only when its about to divide.