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The Crust.

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Q: Which part of the earth is made mostly of silicate minerals?
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What is the planet earth made up?

Earth is mas mostly of silicate minerals with a core made mostly of iron and nickel.

What percent of the earth is made up of crust?

Silicate minerals

Is the earth mostly made out of silicates?

Yes, The Earth's crust mostly made up of silicate materials :)

Are silicate minerals found in Precambrian rocks?

Yes. The majority of rocks from any period of earth's history will be predominantly made of silicate minerals.

How are silicate minerals different from non-silicate mineral?

Silicate minerals are can make up more than 90 percent of the earth's crust, the rest is made up of nonsilicate minerals, 10 percent.

What is the percentage of the earths crust made up of non silicate minerals?

Only 10% of the Earth's crust is composed of non-silicate minerals. Examples of non-silicate minerals are barringerite, nickel phosphide, taenite and suessite.

What are mars rock made out of?

The rocks on Mars are made primarily of silicate minerals, much like the rocks on Earth.

Why are many minerals silicates?

Many minerals silicate due to the process that go through in their formation. It is estimated that 30% percent of all minerals are silicate and are made up of components from the crust of the earth.

What part of earth's mass is made up of mostly silicate materials such as olivine?

Because oil does

Why is earth's crust made up mostly of silicate minerals?

Silicon and oxygen are the two most common elements in Earth's crust. :D I got this from the science book, which I noticed all of your questions are for. Do you have Science Fusion Dynamic Earth? AJHS Mr. Fogle? Whatevs...

How are silicate minerals different from non silicate minerals?

Silicates are found in just about every variety of rock, including sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. The thing that differentiates silicates from other minerals is the presence of the element silicon in the matrix. It is silicon that silicate minerals are named for. Use link below to check out this huge family of minerals.

How would the color and density of rock composed mostly of non-ferro magnesium silicate minerals differ from one made up mostly of ferro-magnesium silicate?

non-ferro magnesium silicate dominated rock would be lighter in color and less dense than ferro-magnesium silicate dominated rock. NOTE: The color of olive-green belong to the ferro-magnesium silicate dominated rock group.