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Microwaves and, on the other side, ultra low frequency waves.

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Microwaves and Long waves

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Q: Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is nearest to radio waves?
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What radio waves?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves occurring on the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What are the parts of electromagnetic spectrum?

radio waves

The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths are?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum

What are the radio waves?

radio wave is form of electromagnetic energy which has the longest wavelength in electromagnetic spectrum

Sound is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum because?

because sound waves are not a electromagnetic waves because they need a medium for travel....hence electromagnetic spectrum is based on the electromagnetic waves radio waves , micro waves , etc....

What radio wave with the greatest energy?

Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic waves with the greatest energy are gamma rays.

What is the longest wavelengh in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelength are called "radio waves". There is no limit to how long the wavelengths can be.

What is a radio wave?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. The radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. A radio wave has a much longer wavelength than does visible light. We use radio waves extensively for communications.

What is the full range of electromagnetic radiation called?

There are seven types of electromagnetic waves and they are: 1. Radio waves 2. Microwaves 3. Infra-red waves 4. (visible) Light waves 5. Ultra-violet waves 6. X-ray waves 7. Gamma rays

What are the waves?

radio wave is form of electromagnetic energy which has the longest wavelength in electromagnetic spectrum

Why is light radio waves and microwave ovens related?

Light waves, radio waves, and microwaves are all on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Is a rainbow made up of radio waves?

no, they are made up of light waves, similar to radio waves and both are in the same spectrum (the electromagnetic spectrum) but they have different wavelenghts.