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Q: Which part of the firefly lights up in the dark?
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What insect lights up in the night?

a moth duhhh are you alien or somethinga moth duhhh are you alien or somethingno need to make fun of this person

Is a firefly emitting light chemical or physical change?

That would be a chemical change because the firefly produces a bio-luminescent chemical. This chemical produces light which you see when the fire fly lights up!

How does a lightning bug light up?

Lightning bugs find a resting spot on some shady leaf during the day. They're mainly nocturnal, as they're lights are best seen in the dark, and they communicate using sight.

How do you know when its a girl firefly or a boy firefly?

You will because a boy firefly light ups while the girl wont light up

What is a torch?

something thing that lights up so you can see where you are going in the dark. :)

How do lightning bugs have babies?

yes they do have Baby's ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What were the lights of jack o lanterns used for?

to light up a special dark place

How do torches help us with seeing?

It lights up a dark room. So it would be easy for u to see, because you cant see in the dark.

If someone is afraid to sleep when it is dark what should the person do?

Get a night light, sleep with the lights on, or grow up.

The Logitech Illuminated Keyboard says it has backlighting. How does that work?

It lights up the keys so you can type in the dark.

What causes fireflies to light up?

Fire flies are one of the amazing and fun insects. They emit light as part of their mating process. The illumination, or technically bioluminescence is caused by the combination of luciferase and ATP to create the light. Many deep sea creatures also exhibit bioluminescence.

How the moon lights up?

The moon lights up because it reflects the sunlight towards the earth. When a side of the moon is shaded in means that this part is not lit up by sunlight