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Q: Which part of the nepenthes plant is modified into pitcher?
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Which part of the pitcher plant absorbs sunlight?

The entire "pitcher" of the Pitcher plant contains chlorophyll is green and can photosynthesise

Is flower a modified stem or modified leaf?

flowers are not modified leaf however we can say that in some of the cases petals of flower are modified leaves . In actual way shoot part of plant are modified into flower for plant sexual reproduction

What plant part is represented on Irish potatoes?

tuber, a modified stem that stores nutrients and water.

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What special job does each part of the pitcher plant have?

The stem gives the plant water,and the pitchers eat the food!

How do pitcher plants reproduce?

Sarraceniaceae and Nepenthaceae are the two largest families of carnivorous pitcher plants, which capture prey in liquid-filled cavities. Both families reproduce sexually, though Sarraceniaceae can also reproduce asexually from rhizomes . So basically the pitch plant captures the prey(anything flying around!) in the place where they reproduce. And everything else is pretty clear

What are modified leaves called that are found on embryonic plants?

The modified leaves that are found in embryonic plants are called cotyledons. Cotyledons are the first leaves produced by the plant. They are not true leaves and are considered to be seed-leaves because they are a part of the seed or embryo of the plant.

Flowers are modifications of what other plant part?

The individual parts of a flower are all modified leaves (everything. Sepals, petals, anthers, and carpels) the flower itself is just a collection of these modified leaves

What does GMO stand for?

GMO stands for a Genetically Modified Organism.

What part of the celery has been modified?

Modified Stem

How does the storage location of a plant to the part of the plant you eat?

The edible parts in a plant may be its fruits, seeds, roots or even leaves. In cereals we eat .grain, in the tuberous plants like potato, we eat the tuber (modified underground stem). That part of the plant which has storage of food is generally located to eat.