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The blue part of the spectrum has more energy than the red part.

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Q: Which part of the visible light has most energy?
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When considering electomagnetic energy what part of it is visible to the human eye?

Visible light, also simply called light.

What is visible light part of?

Visible light is part of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is electromagnetic energy, and so are radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.

Which is false statement for EM spectrum - Most is visible light - less than a nanometer to verakilometer - lowest frequencies have least energy?

"Most is visible light" is false. Visible light is but a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Also, "vera" is not a valid SI prefix. Perhaps you mean "tera", which is 1012.

What kind of energy lights a light bulb?

A light bulb is not energy, but is a device that uses electrical energy to create electromagnetic energy in the form (in part) of visible light and heat.

Is light a element compound or mixture?

It is none of these. Light is the visible part of the spectrum of electro-magnetic energy.

What energy is a light?

light energy is any visible form of energy that forms part of the electomagnetic spectum it is therefore transmitted as any form of electromagnetic wave.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum do MOST telescopes use?

Visible light

Which part of the em spectrum is visible to the human eye?

Many particle physicists, radiation specialists, opticians and ophthalmologists have gotten togetherand named that part of the spectrum the "visible light" band.

What is Radiant light energy?

This is part of the Electromagnetic radiation spectrum, visible light occupies a small part of this spectrum, but all wavelengths have the same physical properties

Compare the frequency and energy of infrared rays to the frequency and energy of visible light?

Infrared waves are shorter than radio waves and longer than visible light waves.

What is true about energy and how light transforms into heat such as when a light warms up?

Light can be absorbed, and converted to heat.However, if a light-bulb heats up, it's to a great extent due to other effects - for example in the old-fashioned incandescent light-bulb, the electrical energy gets converted FIRST to heat energy; a small part of that heat energy then gets converted into visible light. In other types of light bulbs, the light bulbs get hot mainly because NOT all of the energy gets converted into visible light; part of it gets converted into heat.

What color of light has the lowest wavelength?

I suspect you mean the color with respect to light. If this is the case then red light has the lowest energy of the visible spectrum. Of course visible light is just a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, for example, infrared light has even less energy. The lowest energy would be found in radio waves. Also it is important to realize that color is just a convention, it has no real physical meaning. Some other animal might see totally different colors.