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Digestion and absorption of many carbs, especially simple carbs start in your mouth and typically end in your stomach.

Some more complex carbs are digested in small intestines. Almost all fats and proteins are digested and absorbed in the small intestine. In fact, the majority of absorption and digestion happens here.

Typically very minimal is absorbed and digested in the large intestine. The one thing the large intestine does really well is to absorb water. This is why your stool is exceptionally watery when you have diarrhea as it has passed through the large intestine much too quickly to absorb the appropriate amount of water.

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Q: Which parts of food are digested in the small intestine?
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The small intestine absorbs digested food into the blood.

Where food is digested?

Do you mean where is food digested? In the Stomach and Small/Large Intestine. Thanks.

Food moves into the large intestine when?

Food moves into the large intestine after it has been digested by the small intestine.

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Where does digested food enter your blood?

The small intestine

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The small intestine.

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Through your small intestine

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Not all or less digested food will be absorbed by the body.

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Where does digested food enter your bloodstream?

Mainly in Small intestine.