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The Libertarians believe in less government.

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Q: Which party believes government should be hands off?
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What type of party is the libertarian party?

They are a party that believes in very limited government powers and involvement.

Which economic system says government should control all land and wealth and that government should be in the hands of just one political party?


A person who gnerally believes that the role of government should be limited and indivudials are responsible for their own well-being?

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its a political party or could it could mean your a social persona person that believes the government should porvide them everything.

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the party believes what Thomas Jefferson believes. Like he is for small government. So just look it up on the internet and find what Jefferson believes.

This concerns disputes where one party believes he or she has suffered injury at the hands of another?

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Which main American party tends to believes in government regulation?

Actually, history will demonstrate that both parties believe in a certain amount of government regulation; but the Republicans like to insist it's only the Democratic party which believes in it.

What are 10 reasons you know you are a federalist?

The Federalist Party believes in a strong national (federal) government with powers over the state governments. They also believed they should have a strong central government that should revolve around business and industry. The Federalists left a lasting imprint as they fashioned a strong new government with a sound financial base, and decisively shaped Supreme Court policies for another three decades. Also because the Federalist Party was diverse. The Federalist Party collectively believes in a Government run with integrity, with decorum, and ultimately for success.

What economic system says government should control all land and wealth and that government should be in the hands of just one political party?

This is a version of Communism where the Party is the only legal political unit.communism- nova net