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The male peacock will dance for the female peacock. The reason why is because the female peacock chooses who it mates with so the male peacock has to do what it can to impress and gain favor with the female peacock.

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Q: Which peacock dances male or female?
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Why would the male peacock pull out his colorful feathers?

When a male peacock dances for a female peacock, the male peacock is attempting to impress the female peacock for mating purposes. If the male manages to impress the female, the female will allow the male to mate with her.

Is a peacock male?

Yes the Peacock is the male the Peahen the female.

What does a peacock do?

The term peacock is reserved for the male of the pea fowl. They are especially known for their colorful, extravagant long tail feathers that have 'eyes' at the dorsal end.

How female peacock pregnant?

a female peacock gets pregnant by the tears of male peacock

What is a male peecock called?

A cock and a hen The male is referred to as a peacock and the female as a peahen, so really when you say peacock you are only talking about the males of the species. Together they are called peafowl and their offspring are called peachicks.

What is the name of a both sex peacock?

a male is a peacock and the female is a peahen

Is peafowl a female peacock?

Peafowl is the entire species. A peacock is the male bird and a peahen is the female bird.

What is a female peacock called with photos?

The female is a peahen, the male is a peacock. Can't show photos on Answers.

What is feminine gender of peacock?


What is the function of the male peacock's train?

it attracts female peacock (study island)

Why are peacoks called peafowls?

A peacock is a male peafowl. Peafowl refers to both the male (peacock) and female (peahen).

What a peacock does?

A peacock dances with joy.