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Settlers, cowboys and ranchers, Army Men . haven"t you ever watched Gunsmoke?

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Q: Which people came after the pioneers came?
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Who came to CA?

pioneers, indians, mexicans, chinese people

Why did pioneers come to Canada?

they came here because they didn't have enough money and for free from religious.

What brought pioneers to California?

The earliest pioneers came to California to ranch and farm. The largest wave of pioneers came during the California Gold Rush of 1849. After the Civil War, pioneers came to California to farm, ranch, prospect, mine, timber, and every other occupation.

Did the pioneers come after medieval times?

Yes, the pioneers of the American west came long after the middle ages.

What wild pets did the pioneers have?

Early western settlers came into conflict with black and grizzly bears, wolves, and cougars. No doubt people were sometimes killed by these predators, as they are rarely even today.

What vehicles did the pioneers use to move west?

If you are referring to westernization the pioneers used wagons cars came Ayer on in history ( Henry Ford).

How can you describe pioneers?

Pioneers are people who go first, before the rest dare to follow.

Where are pioneers and setlers from?

Pioneers, prospectors, and settlers typically came from the east & midwest. Major towns were filled with travelers that had come from the west and boaster of huge profits, great towns, and plenty of land. Most people heard this, never were able to experience this due to the massive amount of people moving west.

Why did pionears want to come to Michiga?

the pioneers came to Michigan because land was cheep

Another name for the colonists who came to America?

pioneers, Founding Fathers if they wrote the Constitution

Did the pioneers use the Henry repeating rifle?

Some did. early pioneers heading west had flintlocks, which was prior to the Henry rifle. the Henry came about at the time of the civil war

Who lived in the great plains before the pioneers or home steaders?

the native people lived there before the pioneers