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Q: Which period did you see advances in technology and settled life?
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Which period did we see advances in technology and settled life?


N which period did we see advances in technology and settled life?


What is the use of the technology?

Technology makes life easier and comfortable.

How did technology change everyday life in post-war Australia?

Overall, it seems to have increased the quality of life. For example, as medicine advances thanks to technology, many who would have died from diseases in post-war Australia were saved.

What technological advances have had a profound effect on cooking?

increses shelf life of food product, nano-technology, HPP, biodegradable packaging. hope this helps

What is Difference between Nomadic life Vs settled life?

nomadic did more than the settled life

How did the invention of the cell phone improve?

Advances in technology enabled manufacturers to reduce the size, increase the battery life, increase the range and add more functions to the basic design.

What is a difference between nomadic and settled life?

Nomadic life involves constantly moving from place to place in search of resources, while settled life involves staying in one location for an extended period of time. Nomadic societies are often more adaptable and mobile, while settled societies tend to develop more complex social structures and economies based on agriculture.

How are the purposes of science and technology different?

Both serve a purpose in our lives, one is the search of truth and advances in our every day lives and technology helps bring it together and easy to use.

What would you give up to have life be the way it used to be?

Vast improvements in medical knowledge.Huge advances in technology of all kinds.The eradication of several major and fatal dieases.Security of knowing a future exists for you.

Why was the need of storing grains felt after the beginning of settled life?

why was the need of storing grains feed after the boagring of settled life

Why was the need of storing grains felt after the beginning of the settled life?

The need to store grains arose after the beginning of settled life because people were now engaged in agriculture, producing surplus food that needed to be stored for future consumption during times of scarcity or to be traded. Storing grains also ensured a more stable food supply, especially during periods of drought or crop failure. Additionally, storing grains enabled communities to have reserves during times of conflict or emergency.