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Which Period Of History Was Great Influenced By Classical Greek And Roman Works?

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Q: Which period of history was greatly influenced by classical greek and roman?
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Which period of history was greatly inflenced by classical greek and roman works?

The two peak periods were the renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries and the neo-classical period of the 18th and 19th century.

Which period of history was greatly influenced by classical greek and roman works?

The Renaissance was the period in history most influence by classic Greek and Roman works. After the fall of Constantinople, many Greek and Roman scholars fled to Italy and Western Europe, prompting a new surge of interest in ancient literature and a desire to reproduce their culture.

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These ideas were influenced by the Athenian democracy.

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The classics had a strong influence on the education of the European elites from the 15th century (during the Renaissance) to the mid-20th century.

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The classical period involved Greek and Roman scientists including Hippocrates, Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Galen.

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Classical antiquity (or classical era, period, age) refers to a period of cultural history centered on the Mediterranean Sea, when the Romans held this seas and were deeply influenced by Greek civilisation, forming the so-called Greco-Roman world. With regard to the culture, art and architecture of the Greeks, this was part of the Hellenistic period.

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The Classical Period in Mesoamerican history has been characterized as one of peaceful coexistence, widespread trade, theocratic government and the absence of large states seeking conquest.

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The classical period

Which period of history influenced the classical greek and Romans?

The Romans were very influenced by the ancient Greeks, along with some inspiration from cultures of the Far East. The Greco-Roman ideals concerning philosophy, society, and culture have served as a foundation for Western culture and community as a whole.