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Q: Which phrase in the declaration expresses the colonists opposition to taxation without respresentation?
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Which phrase in the declaration expresses the colonist' opposition to taxation without representation?

'For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent' It's listed as one of the U.S.'s grievances that the King had committed.

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the Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is one; the Magna Charta is another. The Declaration of Independence

What document expresses the strong demand for independence?

The Declaration of Independence and possibly the Olive Branch Petition.

What statement expresses an opinion about the causes of the revolutionary war?

The quartering act was a serious violation of the colonists' liberty.

The colonists slogan no taxation without representation expresses a belief in?

the consent of the governed

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights expresses the inherent rights of human beings. The United Nations adopted this declaration in 1948 to protect the rights and freedoms of the citizens from member states.

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an allergic or negative reaction to a substance. Hahaha, I feel clever now :)

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People have the right to overthrow their government if it fails to protect their rights and property.

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The Declaration of Independence expresses the American dream. It talks about freedom, and the ability of a man, or a country, to make his own way in the world. That is the basis of the quintessential American Dream.

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Jefferson expresses his views very well in the Declaration of Independence. Other than that they are a philosophy and not laws.

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The statement "The second colony on Roanoke Island failed due to poor planning and inadequate provisions" expresses an opinion about the reasons for the failure of the colony.