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Q: Which phrase means god from a machine and is used to describe a contrived?
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Describes the phrase Deus ex Machina?

This phrase literally means "god from a machine" and refers to old plays in which an actor dressed as a god was lowered by machine on to the stage and would take care of everything that went wrong. It now refers to any literary or dramatic device in which there is a sudden contrived ending.

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Manufactured goods is a phrase used to describe anything that is produced by a machine on a large scale. This means that a machine can produce high numbers of the same exact product in a short amount of time.

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Comment décrire quelqu'un? is a French equivalent of the English phrase "How do you describe someone?"Specifically, the interrogative comment means "how." The infinitive décrire means "to describe." The indefinite pronoun quelqu'un means "someone."The pronunciation will be "kuh-maw dey-kreer kel-keh" in French.

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Pax Romana. This phrase means Roman peace in Latin.

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The phrase "dry as a stick" means extremely dry or lacking moisture. It is used to describe something that is very arid or dehydrated.

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The phrase "gear up" typically means to get ready for something, to be prepared. It is normally used informally to describe the start of the preparation process.

What does the word contrived mean in this excerpt from ts Elliot poem geronation?

In this context, the word "contrived" means artfully crafted or deliberately created. It suggests that the creation being described has been carefully orchestrated or skillfully constructed.

What word that has o k in it that means contrived?

Could it be 'hokey', maybe? I just looked on Visual Thesaurus :P

Meaning of Please the eye?

This phrase is used to describe something that someone will like. To please the eye means that the person likes what they see.

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The phrase, "Happy as a pig in mud," is used to describe a person who is extremely happy. It means someone is enjoying themselves.

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