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Rotherham is certainly not the Snowiest Place in the UK, the Snowiest Place anywhere in the UK is the Cairngorms in the Highlands. In the winter temperatures can be as cold as the Artic as it has 5 out of the 6 highest mountains in the UK. It can snow there in Summer (Like this June 6 days after having 31c, The Town of Aviemore actually had 2cm of lying snow there). The Cairngorms are also one of the Most remote areas in the UK and are known as the Artic of the UK. The Snowiest settlement in the UK is a difficult one but it has to be Braemar in the Cairngorms. It is one of the Highest Towns in the UK at over 1000ft (The Cairngorm Mountains are 4000ft) and it has a mean temperature of 6.5c. It also holds the record temperature in the UK at -27.6c. The Snowiest City in the UK is most likely to be Aberdeen.

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12y ago
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1d ago

Some of the places in the UK that have been affected the worst by snowstorms include Scotland, northern England, and parts of Wales. These regions often experience heavy snowfall and strong winds during winter, leading to travel disruptions, school closures, and power outages. Areas with higher elevations or more exposed to weather systems tend to bear the brunt of the snowfall.

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13y ago

From my experience, its the area that I live in. It quite near to the coast, only about an hour. (I live right by the road in which the little girl was hit by a bus quite recently) The isle of Wight has acted like a huge barrier, preventing the area behind it getting snowy. We have had about a millimetre of snow, not kidding.

For a long term, it would probably be westerly and more centred.

I hope this has helped, but anyone feel free to correct me if there is an area even less snowy than the area I live in.

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14y ago

Midlandsz iinii =]

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Q: What places in the UK have been affected the worst by the snow?
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What places on earth get snow and what places don't?

Places that are near the poles or at higher elevations typically get snow, while places near the equator do not usually experience snowfall. Areas like the Arctic and Antarctic regions, as well as mountainous regions located in temperate zones, are more likely to get snow. Conversely, tropical regions near the equator rarely see snow due to their warm climates.

Why does snow fall only in certain places?

Snow falls in certain places because it requires specific atmospheric conditions, such as cold temperatures and moisture in the air. These conditions are more commonly found in regions closer to the poles or at high elevations. Additionally, factors like proximity to large bodies of water or mountain ranges can influence where snow is more likely to occur.

Why has salt been thrown on snow in snowfall days?

Salt is thrown on snow becuase it is The most effective Element to melt snow/ice

Where does it not snow?

Places near the equator or at low elevations typically do not experience snowfall. Additionally, regions with warm temperatures year-round, such as tropical and desert climates, do not see snow.

How do Crystal Snow flakes form?

It turns out that "pure" snow is made up of snowflakes which are made up of from 2 to 200 separate snow crystals. Snow crystals are crystals that have formed around tiny bits of dirt that have been carried up into the atmosphere by the wind. So snow crystals are really soil particles that have been dressed up in ice.

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Do Great Britain get snow?

Yes, and this winter has been one of the worst for snow for many years.

Where is a famous landmark affected by weathering?

The Statue of Liberty is an example of a landmark that has been affected by weathering. Wind, rain, and snow have all affected the statue.

How are you affected by snow?

You can get frostbite.

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A human hunter is a snow leopard's worst enemy.

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It had been a bad winter, but this was the worst blizzard so far, with all of its snow and very strong winds.

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Was there snow in 1979?

Many places had snow in 1979

What do birds do when snow is on the ground?

They fly to places without snow.

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What is snow and where can it be found?

Snow is the frozen form of water. Snow can be found in cold places and in mountains.

Where is snow mostly found?

in cold places in cold places

Do other places have snow when you do?

No. Like all weather, snow is localized.