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Earth, with roughly 78%.

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Q: Which planet has a high concentration of nitrogen?
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What does it meant that nitrogen burns a plant?

Nitrogen plant burns are caused when to much fertilizer (or fertilizer with a high concentration of Nitrogen) is added to a plant. If the concentration of Nitrogen (or Nitrogen compounds such as ammonia) is to high it causes the soil to become highly acidic in the area where it was applied, the high acidity damages (or kills) the roots of the plant retarding or preventing the uptake of water or nutrients by the plant.

Where can a large amount of nitrogen be found on the planet?

The greatest concentration of nitrogen on the Earth is found in its atmosphere. The atmosphere is approximately 78 percent nitrogen.

Why is Earth the only planet with oxygen and how is that no other planet does?

Other planets do have oxygen, but not in as high of concentration as we have here on Earth.

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Where can find lowest concentration of nitrogen in urine?

The lowest concentration of nitrogen can be found in the urine when it is first produced. As it accumulates in the bladder, so does the overall concentration of nitrogen.


Both compounds are toxic and can be lethal at high concentration.

If concentration of nitrogen oxides is 0.023 what would the concentration of nitrogen oxides be in ppm?

Assuming you mean a concentration of 0.023 as a mole fraction... 0.023 is equivalent to 23000 ppm

How does chicken poop help the garden?

Chicken feces contains a high concentration of uric acid (the white part) This is high in nitrogen and a basic need in all gardens.

Where is the largest concentration of nitrogen found?


What planet has carbon dioxide and nitrogen in its atmosphere?

Earth, Mars and venus all have nitrogen and Carbon dioxide in their atmosphere, though the levels vary from planet to planet.

When molecules move down the concentration gradient it means they are moving from high to low or low to high?

An area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

What planet is frozen nitrogen?
