

Which planet have so much heat?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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All planets have a certain amount of heat.

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Q: Which planet have so much heat?
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What if the sun did not produce light and heat?

The sun is essential to life on this planet, so if the sun was not producing light/heat - life on this planet would no longer exist.

How does accretion heat a planet?

During accretion, any object falling towards a planet will acquire a velocity because of the gravitational attraction from the planet. So, the object will have a kinetic energy due to its motion. During the the collision the kinetic energy is converted to heat energy, and the remain of this heat is actually heating the planet.

How do the earth contribute to the life cycle?

the earth provides heat so that our planet is able to sustain life

How does Saturn atmosphere affect the planet?

The atmosphere affects Saturn in many ways. One way that it affects it is because it affects the wind variations on the planet. Another way that it affects the planet is that it cause the "Green House Effect". The "Green House Effect" is when heat is trapped in something. If you think of a green house it is all glass to let is heat but not let the heat out. With a planet the planet gets heat from the sun and then when the planet starts to cool off the atmosphere holds the heat in. That is how an atmosphere can effect the planet.

What causes the major heat on Venus'?

Well as you know, Venus is the second closes to the sun and so therefore that is what causes the heat on Venus. Not completely true. Mercury is closer, but Venus is still hotter than it. The reason Venus is so hot is because of its atmosphere. It consists of mostly greenhouse gasses that trap the radiant solar energy and keeps it from escaping the planet. Yes, the sun provides the heat to the planet, but it is the atmoshphere that traps that heat and keeps the planet extremely hot.

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What if the sun did not produce light and heat?

The sun is essential to life on this planet, so if the sun was not producing light/heat - life on this planet would no longer exist.

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What is the heat on the planet Saturn?

The heat on saturns planet is 1,000 degrees !

How does accretion heat a planet?

During accretion, any object falling towards a planet will acquire a velocity because of the gravitational attraction from the planet. So, the object will have a kinetic energy due to its motion. During the the collision the kinetic energy is converted to heat energy, and the remain of this heat is actually heating the planet.

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Which is the warmest planet in our solar system?

Venus is the hottest planet because it has an atmosphere and has thick clouds that trap the heat in. Although Mercury is the closest to the Sun, it has no atmosphere so it cannot hold the heat in.

How does the temperature of the planets vary with the distance from the sun?

The further a planet is from the sun, the less light and heat radiation it gets from the sun leaving it a cooler planet. However, a planet with a gaseous atmosphere is less likely to radiate away the planets heat so it may retain more of the solar heat.

How does the temperature of the planets vary with distance from the sun?

The further a planet is from the sun, the less light and heat radiation it gets from the sun leaving it a cooler planet. However, a planet with a gaseous atmosphere is less likely to radiate away the planets heat so it may retain more of the solar heat.

How much of the earth is covered by buildings?

3% - according to an Australian Study into the heat absorbency of the planet

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Much of the Earth's heat was leftover when the planet was formed

How does a star compare to a planet in temperature and size?

A shining star is much bigger than a planet. A star produces light and heat and other types of radiation of it's own. A planet does not.

How does a greenhouse effect affect a planet?

A greenhouse effect traps heat that would otherwise escape out to space, so it keeps the planet warm.