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3% - according to an Australian Study into the heat absorbency of the planet

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Q: How much of the earth is covered by buildings?
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How much of Manitoba is covered by buildings?

About 38% of Manitoba is covered by buildings, 30% by tents and handmade living areas, and last 32% is empty.

How much of earth is covered by land?

30.2% of Earth is covered by land

How much of the earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

71% of the earth is covered in Hydrosphere.

How much area of earth is covered by water?

71% of the earth is covered by water

Approximately how much of earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

75% of Earth is covered by the Hydrosphere

How much of the earth's surface is covered by Hydrosphere?

71% of the earth is covered in Hydrosphere.

How much percentage of the earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

75% or 3/4 of the earth is covered by hydrosphere

How much of Earth and surface is covered by water?

70% is covered with water

How much of the earth surface us covered by water?

Over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water

How much of the earth is covered?

your question is not are some choices and their answers: 1. "How much of the earth is covered" + " with water?" A. approx. 361 million square KM 2. "How much of the earth is covered" + " with land?" A. approx. 148 million square KM 3. "How much of the earth is covered" + " with stupid people?" A. approx. all 509 million square KM

How much of the earth is covered by water?

Approximately 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

How much earth is covered with salt water?

Approximately 70% of earths surface is covered by the oceans.