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Jupiter has over 6000!

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Q: Which planet holds many asteroids within its gravitational pull?
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What holds all moons to every planet in their orbits?

Gravity. As the planet rotates it's mass holds it's moons within it's orbit. The larger the planet the stronger is its gravitational pull.

What holds the moon in orbit?

the gravitational pull of the planet it orbits

What holds the moon in place?

the gravitational pull of the planet it orbits

What planet's gravity holds most asteroids in the area beyond mars?

Jupiter has an effect on the orbits of the asteroids, but I wouldn't really say that's what holds them in the area beyond Mars.

What holds earth's atmosphere together?

the gravitational force holds its atmosphere together

How did Mars lose its atmosphere?

The planet Mars is slightly smaller than the Earth and therefore has a weaker gravitational field. Gravity is what holds an atmosphere in place. In a weak gravitational field, an atmosphere will gradually leak away into outer space. That's what happened on Mars.

Does the sun's gravity holds most of the asteroids in the area beyond mars?


Which object's gravity holds the planets in their orbits?

The sun's gravity holds the planets in their orbits. It also holds other space objects in their orbits, such as asteroids.

Is it true that- gravity holds planets in orbit because planets are attracted to each other's gravitational force?

It's true that gravity holds planets in orbit. However, this is due to the gravitational influence of the sun, not the gravitational influence of other planets.

Where does gravitational pull that holds earth in orbit come from?

the sun

What holds planets in space?

What exactly do you mean by "in space"? Everything is in space. If you meant why they are individually floating without getting attracted into the corresponding star, then that is due to the centrifugal force caused by the revolution of the planet. Please append the corrected question to this answer if you happen to read this again...:)

Why is the gravitational force of earth is significant?

Gravitational force formed the earth and holds all things on its surface - including us!