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Q: Which planet in our solar system has the biggest solid core?
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Is Jupiter is the biggest planet?

Jupiter is the largest planet because of it's position in the Solar System. It is located past what is known as the "frost line" [See related link] where it was possible for hydrogen to condense into solid ice grains. because - the then Jupiter - had the "Lions" share of free hydrogen, it grew to an immense size.

What is the biggest gas planet?

The gas planets are any of the four large outer planets of the Solar System, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which consist largely of gas and whose visible surfaces are not solid, though they have solid cores.

Is Jupiter's moon Ganymede a gas or solid planet?

Ganymede is solid, as are all the moons in the solar system. However, the fact that Ganymede is a moon means that it is not a planet.

Is Venus the largest planet?

In our Solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet. Venus is one of the four terrestrial or solid planets, closest to the Sun, but Earth is the largest terrestrial planet.

What planet has no solid surface and a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere?

I don't think there is one, in our solar system. Mars has that type of atmosphere, but Mars has a solid surface.

What do you see instead of a solid surface when you look at an image of giant planet?

cloud tops The four largest planets in our solar system are gas giants. They have no solid surface.

Is Venus a solid planet or a gasous planet?

Venus is a rocky planet similar to Earth. The Solar System has 4 rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The rest are gas giants.

Why is Neptune Nicknamed The Last of the Gas Giant?

Neptune is the last planet in the solar system because pluto is too small to be a planet. And also that there was a rumour about pluto being a moon of some planet but then the gravity to hold the planetoid was too weak so thats how pluto became a planet but its too small so now neptune is known as the last planet on the solar system I hope this helps you :)

What planet in your solar system are solid?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. then the 5 dwarf planets, Ceres, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Pluto

Why is there fire in the center of the earth?

It is an extremely hot core of solid iron. It is solid only because of the extreme pressure exerted by the whole planet.

Which of the eight planets of our solar system has the lowest surface temperature?

Technically speaking, Neptune is the planet with the lowest surface temperature; however, Neptune does not have a solid surface.

What is alarge solid approximately spherical masses the most famous of which is earth which revolve around the sun called?

The Planets in our Solar System (if I am reading your question correctly)Order of Planets in our Solar System (from closest to the Sun, out):MercuryVenusEarthMarsSaturnJupiterNeptuneUranus*(NOT PLUTO ANY Longer, since it was DEMOTED to a PLANETOID)