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The planet that was an outer planet, but was more like an inner planet was Pluto because of its size. The planet Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet.

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Q: Which planet is an outer planet but is more like an inner planet?
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What is a outer planet that is more like an inner planet?

Pluto is small and rocky, so for years is was the outer planet that was more like the four inner planets. It has since been reclassified as a dwarf planet though.

What planet is an outer planet but is more like an inner planet?

I'm 90% sure that it is Pluto ;D

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because of gravitational force of the earth is more in inner planet

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Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are inner planets. The rest are outer. See the related link for more information.

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An inner planet is mostly made of iron and has more mass than outer planets, outer planets are mostly made of gasses, makeing them have less mass. The inner planets are the planets between the asteroid belt and the sun

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None of them do. All the outer planets are gas planets while all the inner planets are rocky. You might be thinking of Pluto. It has a solid surface, but it is no longer considered a planet.

How are inner planets alike?

No, it is a dwarf planet. Uh.....the question was about Pluto's position in the solar system, not Pluto's size. Pluto was thought to be the ninth planet when discovered in the 1930's, but we now know that Pluto is not a planet. When it was still considered a planet, it was one of the outer planets, about as far as you can get. Mercury, Venus, Terra (earth), and Mars are the inner planets; those with orbits between the Belt and Sol (the asteroid belt and the sun).

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The outer planets are much bigger and so have more gravity that can attract more moons. Also in the outer solar system there is more rocks and boulders around that can come together to form moons.

What is more dense inner-core or outer-core?

The inner core is more dense than the outer core.

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the inner core is more dense

Is it outer core or inner core?

Both really the inner core is more hotter than the outer core