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Mercury is the planet that orbits the sun every 165 days. It is the closest planet to the sun in our solar system and has the shortest orbital period.

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Q: Which planet orbits the sun every 165 days?
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What planet orbits the sun every 1650 years?

Neptne takes 165 years.

What planets orbits the sun every 165 years?

Neptune orbits the sun roughly every 165 years.

Which planet revolves very slowly around thesun?

Planets do not revolve around the Sun, they orbit. The planet which orbits slowest is Neptune at about 165 earth years per orbit [Pluto is a dwarf planet and orbits approximately once every 248 earth years].

What planet has a year 165 earth years long?

The answere is planet neptune, the reasons are that neptune has 165 days because is the 8th planet from the sun what it means that is the last planet in the solar system and earth is the 3rd one so it has less days than neptune and if neptune is the last planet thats why it has 165 days. Thank you for believing in my answeres , i descover it on google this answeres are from: ms.AFC

How many days does it takes Neptune to orbit around earth?

Neptune orbits the sun, not Earth. Its orbital period is 60,182 Earth days, or about 165 Earth years.

How much time approximatly does it take each planet to orbit the sun?

Everything between 88 days and 165 years.

How long does it take Neptune to circle the sun?

The orbital period for Neptune is roughly 60,190 days or about 165 Earth years (164.79 Earth years).Neptune takes 60,190 earth days or 164.79 earth years to complete one rotation around the sun.

What planet takes 1 year to travel around the sun?

All planets take one "year" to orbit the Sun. That is the definition of a year. The length of the year will vary depending on the planets distance from the Sun.For instance the Earth has a year about 365 (Earth) days long, whilst Mercury has a year about 88 (Earth) days long.(Obviously the "simple" answer is The Earth.)Planet Earth.

How many days are in 165 years?

There are 60225 days in 165 years.

Which planet has the shortest period of revolution as measured relative to earths time?

The planet that has the shortest period of revolution is Mercury, which is 88 days. The planet with the longest revolution is Neptune, which is 165 years. Earth's revolution is the third shortest.

How many times has mars orbited the sun since 1776?

"if i did the math correctly, it should be about 55 times. it orbits the sun once every 88 days." It orbits the sun every 87.9 earth days. So that would be 365 / 87.9 days = 4.15 times every earth year. 2011 - 1776 = 235 earth years 235 x 4.15 = 975 orbits around the sun since 1776 Or is simple math, too simple for astronomy?

How many earth days is 165 years?

there are 60265 earth days in 165 years