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Q: Which planets can an astornot land on?
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Does asteroids hit planets?

well they do land in the planets but they dont HIT like PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH THERE NO they LAND ON THE PLANETS:)

How the planets contribute to land formation?

Planets play no role in land formation of the earth

What do most planets have?

Most planets have a solid surface, an atmosphere, and orbit a star. They also vary in size, composition, and distance from their star.

What is the main reason you could not land on outer planets er planets?

The outer planets are gas planets

Where do you land on Jupiter?

You can`t land on Jupiter. Jupiter,Satern,Uranus, and Neptune are all gas planets. Gas planets are planets that dont have land, the whole planet is filled with gas and liquids.

Is Jupiter terrestrial?

No. It is a gas giant. Terrestrial planets are planets that are mainly made of land.

Why are terrestrial planets different?

Terestrial planets have land, you can walk on them. But gaseous planets, if you step on them you would fall into a bunch of burning gas.

Could you land on the outer planets?

No. The outer planets do not have solid surfaces. Those planets are made of gases held together by gravity.

What is a terestrial?

land planets.....Mercury earth, etc....

What planets can you land on?

The only planets you can land on is Earth which we live and Mars because it has an atmosphere, the moon you can land on but no atmosphere. You cannot land on Mercury because its too close to the sun you will burn or freeze to death, you cannot land on Venus because its so hot and has a thick atmosphere and you would last a few minutes before you get crushed. You can't land on the 4 outer planets because they are just gas giants. Pluto is also a gas giant but is not classified as a planet anymore.

Can you land on any of the gas giants?

No, the planets are composed of gases, except for the cores of the planets which are made up of rock.

What planets will spacecraft never be able to land on and why?

Gas Giants because they do not have a solid surface to land on.