

Which planets have density

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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All of them.

Anything with mass has density.

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Q: Which planets have density
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Do gaseous planets have density?

Well, some planets, such as Mercury, have little density. For example, the amount of density in oil compared to water. That scenario is an example of the amount of density that you might expect on such planets as Venus.

Is the average density of terrestrial planets the same density as Jovian planet?

No. Terrestrial planets are much denser than Jovian planets.

Who has higher density inner planets or outer planets?

Inner planets

Are the planets that have a higher density the Terrestrial planets or the Jovian planets?

The Terrestrial planets have a higher density. Their structure includes a large percentage of rock, while the Jovian planets are composed mostly of gas.

How do Jovian and terrestrial planets compare?

Jovian planets are more massive and lower in average density. Terrestrial planets are smaller and higher in average density.

Which outer planet has the lowest density of all the planets in the solar system?

Mercury is the smallest of the four inner planets and closest to the sun. It is also the smallest of all eight planets.

Anong the eight planets which have the largest size and least density?

The four Jovian planets

What planets are considered high density planets?

Mercury Venus Earth Mars.

What is the density of inner planets?

i dont knoww

Why are the densities of the terrestrial and jovian planets so different?

The terrestrial planets are primarily composed of rock and the jovian planets are mostly gas (primarily Hydrogen). Rock has a higher density than Hydrogen, giving the terrestrial planets a higher density.

Which inner planet has the greatest density?

The Earth has the greatest average density, of all the planets.

Why can't you determine the size of the planets?

But you CAN determine the size of the planets: in diameter, overall mass, and in density.