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The seven largest moons in the solar system (and the planets they orbit) are:

  1. Ganymede (Jupiter)
  2. Titan (Saturn)
  3. Callisto (Jupiter)
  4. Io (Jupiter)
  5. The moon (Earth)
  6. Europa (Jupiter)
  7. Triton (Neptune)
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Q: Which planets have the seven largest moons?
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Moons are larger, obviously.

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Moons are satellites of planets.

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Only Jupiter, the Galilean moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter which Galileo discovered.The four satellites discovered by Galileo orbit Jupiter.

Do planets normally orbit around a star?

Yes, they do. However, planets CAN orbit around other planets. But we don't call them planets. They're just called moons... really big moons. Did you know that Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, and Saturn's largest moon, Titan, are both bigger than Mercury? ~Apple Juice

What is the largest of the inner planets?

Of the four inner planets in our solar system, Earth's moon boasts the largest size. Mercury and Venus have none; the moons of Mars are tiny by comparison.

How many moons do all the planets have least to greatest?

There are 184 moons in our Solar system, counting ones associated with dwarf planets. The largest moon, Ganymede, orbits Jupiter. Mars' two moons are so small that they are not even round.

How do planets get their moons?

moons are small planets caught in the gavity of bigger planets.

What is the difference of inner planets and outer planets?

The inner planets are rocky, and do not have any rings. They are all fairly small, with our planet, Earth, being the largest, then Venus, then Mars, then Mercury. Most of them have moons, and none have rings. The outer planets are made of gas, and are huge compared to the inner planets. Every single one of these outer planets have moons and rings. Jupiter is the largest, followed by Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Why the dwarf planets have moons?

planets have moons for day and night

What is the largest moon of the inner planets?

Of the four inner planets in our solar system, Earth's moon boasts the largest size. Mercury and Venus have none; the moons of Mars are tiny by comparison.

Do planets and moons have stars?

On the contrary! A star has planets, which circulate it. And planets have moons. Stars do not circle planets.