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Q: Which plans for reconstruction was harshest toward the south?
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Who departed from Lincoln's plan of reconstruction for the south?

Andrew Johnson departed in part from Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction for the South. The plans were similar but Johnson's was more acrimonious toward the south.

When did President Lincoln announce his plans for reconstruction of the South?

President Lincoln announced his plans for reconstruction in the South on December 8, 1863. With this announcement, he added a political component to the war.

What stopped lincolns plans for reconstruction to the south?

After Lincoln was assassinated, his plan for reconstruction was stopped and cancelled by the Radical Republican, who had the majority in the Congress.

Which of the folowing best reflects the attitude of the Radical Republicans toward Reconstruction?

The South should be punished.

Do you think president Johnson's early ties to the south influence his treatment to the African Americans in his reconstruction plans?

Yes, his ties to the south where african americans were property, caused him to dislike them and he excluded them from reconstruction

What was the attitude of the south towords the reconstruction?

The former states of the Confederacy had a huge negative view of the US's Reconstruction plans for the South. They believed that the US was getting "even" with them for the cause of the US Civil War.Wherever possible, Southerners evaded laws and regulations of the Reconstruction Era.

Whose reconstruction plan was toughest to the South after the US Civil War?

The reconstruction plans sought by the Radical Republicans were designed to punish the South for the US Civil War. US President Johnson, who battled with the Radicals, had a more lenient plan for reuniting the North and the South.

True or False Lincoln refused to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction?

Lincoln did refuse to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction. Lincoln had developed his own plan which was more lenient toward the south.

How did reconstruction helped the south?

The South rejoined the union after reconstruction.

Why did president Johnson's early ties to the south influence his treatment of African Americans in his Reconstruction plans?

President Johnson's early ties to the south influence his treatment of African Americans in his Reconstruction plans because he wanted to punish the slaveholders. Because of this people thought Johnson would create a harch plan but instead he gave states control.

How did reconstruction hurt the south?

Southern leaders had no say in plans for reconstruction. Without representation critical issues involving the economy of the South could not be addressed. Newly freed slaves also had no where to go after being freed and the loss of slave labor had a negative effect on the agicultural economy the South was founded on.

What was the attitude of the south toward reconstruction?

what was the attiude of the south toward Reconstruction? The South was not open to Reconstruction at all. The North had won the Civil War and one thing that they attempted to change about the South was the issue of slavery. After the amendment was passed to abolish slavery, they South did not comply with it. The black codes were passed by Jackson in order to regulate or control African American affairs and groups such as the Klu Klux Klan came up which tortured and killed numerous Aferican Americans.