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Q: Which political faction would have most likely supported President John Tylers pro-annexation stance in regard to Texas?
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What political faction would have supported the cause of the Mexican-American war and why?

Southern democrats. Because they supported slavery.

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How do you think Marius and Sulla influenced later leader?

Marius was a leader of the populares, a political faction which championed the cause of the poor. He influenced later populares politicians, including Julius Caesar. Sulla was a leader of the rival optimates, a conservative political faction which supported the interests of the aristocracy. He influenced later optimates politicians. However, this was tempered by the fact that Sulla executed thousands of his political opponents.

A political faction would be what?

A political faction is a group of people with a common political goal. This could be a group within a political party, or even a union.

How you think Marius and Sulla influenced later leaders?

Marius was a leader of the populares, a political faction which championed the cause of the poor. He influenced later populares politicians, including Julius Caesar. Sulla was a leader of the rival optimates, a conservative political faction which supported the interests of the aristocracy. He influenced later optimates politicians. However, this was tempered by the fact that Sulla executed thousands of his political opponents.

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Can you make a sentence using the word faction?

A political faction is presently an informal grouping of individuals, especially within a political organization, such as a political party, a trade union, or other group with some kind of political purpose.

A sub-group within a political party?


What does faction mean according to Madison?

He refers to 'faction' as a political group of people.