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Q: Which political party has nominated the most justices to the Supreme Court?
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What branch appointed Supreme Court Justices?

Supreme Justices are nominated by the Senate.Then, the President appoints the justices. Therefore,the executive branch appoints supreme court justices

What political party nominated justice Stephen Breyer?

Bill Clinton, a Democratic President, nominated Justice Breyer in 1994. US Supreme Court justices are nominated by Presidents, not by political parties (although the President belongs to a political party).

Who are US Supreme Court justices chosen and approved by?

US Supreme Court justices are chosen (nominated) by the President and approved by a simple majority vote of the Senate.

Do the us supreme court justices reflect and support the political agenda?

yes"the us supreme court justices reflect and support the political agenda

Do the people elect supreme court judges?

The voters of Texas elect justices to the Texas Supreme Court. I don't know about other states. Justices to the U. S. Supreme Court are appointed by the President and approved by Congress.

Do people vote on the members of the the supreme court?

No, the Supreme Court is not elected by the people. Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President, and then the Senate votes to confirm them.

Can Congress appoint Supreme Court Justices?

Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed with the "advice and consent" (majority vote) of the Senate. (please when you read it it's just a yes or no answer)

Which president appointed the most Supreme Court justices?

George Washington had the opportunity to appoint the most Justices of the Supreme Court. He appointed 11, out of the 14 he nominated.

Who nominates US Supreme Court justices and how long do they serve?

US Supreme Court justices are nominated by the President of the United States. Justices who are confirmed by the Senate serve for life, unless impeached.

What do you think of Supreme Court Justices having political party affiliations?

Supreme Court Justices do not necessarily have parties because they do not run for a political seat. The criteria for a supreme court justice has to be someone who is familiar with the law such as a former lawyer. If Supreme Court justices ran on a political platform that could complicate the position they hold because many political parties have money or a platform they run on.

Supreme Court justices are chosen on the basis of their?

Supreme Court justices are often chosen on the basis of their qualifications. However, since being a judge is a political position, justices can also be chosen based on their political viewpoints.

What was Roosevelt's major political failure?

His plan to expand the Supreme Court His plan to replace Supreme Court justices His plan to pack the courts.