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Q: Which political philosopher said the divine rights theory wsa invalid and that instead a social contract existed between the people and their government?
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What philosopher and author believed government was a contract between rulers and the ruled?

John locke

What philosopher explained government as a social contract between people and their rules?

Thomas Hobbes is the philosopher that developed Social Contract Theory. John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are also proponents of Social Contract Theory.

What philosopher explains government as a social contract between people and their rulers?

John Locke, Thomas Hobbs, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau spoke of a social contract.

What is the contract between the people the government of U.S?

What is the contract between the people the government of U.S?

Who wrote The Social Contract that outlined the ideal relationship between the government and the people?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is the author of The Social Contract, which discusses the principles for the ideal relationship between the government and the people. Rousseau's work influenced political theories on the role of government and individual freedoms.

How did john Locke inspire the Founding Fathers?

john Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

Which philosopher explains government as a social contract between people and their ruled?

its either galileo gallei, thomas hobbes, lsaac newton, or Rene descartes. Those are my options for apex so one of them of is right haha

Which philosopher thought that there should be separation between religion and government?

It was John Locke.

What is a social contract?

Social Contract is a contract between the king and the people. People give power to the government to create and enforce laws. The king would protect the natural rights through laws. When the contract is broken, people have the right to change the government. Social contract is agreeing on something . This could be any where from modeling to political.

What are the differences between Karl Marx and Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

Karl Marx was a 19th-century German philosopher and economist known for his theories on socialism and communism, while Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an 18th-century French philosopher who focused on political philosophy and social contract theory. Marx's work emphasized class struggle and the role of capitalism in shaping society, while Rousseau focused on the idea of the general will and the social contract between individuals and the state. Marx's ideas were influential in the development of Marxist political theory, while Rousseau's work laid the foundation for modern democratic thought.

What political philosophies did Jean-Jacques Rousseau set forth in The Social Contract?

An agreement between people in a society to give up some of their rights in order to form a stable government

The mutual obligations between people and government as understood by Locke?

According to Locke, individuals have an obligation to obey the government as long as it protects their natural rights to life, liberty, and property. In return, the government has a duty to uphold the social contract by protecting these rights and providing for the common good. If the government fails to fulfill its obligations, individuals have the right to rebel and establish a new government.