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Q: Which political philosophy does Stalin most likely support?
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That depends on your definition of science versus philosophy and who studied political science first (and, thereby, at what time). I would likely argue that political science is not the oldest of the social sciences but, rather, economics is.

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Client politics was the political process that is most likely to be used when the costs of a policy are broadly distributed and its benefits are concentrated.

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most likely federalist party because they fall into manufacturing and bussiness.

What does demographic support mean when concerning a political party?

With regard to political parties, demographic support refers to the kinds of people who are most likely to support the party's ideas. For instance, the demographic for the Republican party is usually blue collar workers, who are religious and conservative.

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The author would most likely support the political views of the abolitionists.

What did the supporters of Joseph Stalin most likely want?

Supporters of Joseph Stalin most likely wanted to see the USSR become industrialized quickly. Stalin came to power as a result of Czar being deposed.

What is the political philosophy that stresses nationalism?

A political philosophy that stresses nationalism is a right-wing philosophy that is likely to be related to fascism. Nationalism consists in the belief that one's nation is superior to others and has the right to dominate, or exclude, other nations. Nationalist movements are far-right movements that are often racist and xenophobic, believing in preserving the nation for native-born people and excluding immigrants from other ethnic backgrounds.

How likely were Mussolini and Stalin to combine?

they were friend with each other.

What is the political philosophy based on nationalism and an all power state?

A political philosophy that stresses nationalism is a right-wing philosophy that is likely to be related to fascism. Nationalism consists in the belief that one's nation is superior to others and has the right to dominate, or exclude, other nations. Nationalist movements are far-right movements that are often racist and xenophobic, believing in preserving the nation for native-born people and excluding immigrants from other ethnic backgrounds.

What political party would be most likely to support the exploration of alternative sources of fuel in order to preserve our natural resources?

The Democratic Party, by far.