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Pope John Paul the 2nd was the Pope that apologized for the inquisition.

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Q: Which pope apologized for the Inquisition?
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What was Pope Benedict XVI's title before pope?

He was Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, once known as the Inquisition, and was also dean of the College of Cardinals.

What methods were used by the pope to enforce catholic principles during the renassaince?

They used Concordats, Inquisition, and index.

The pope who order the inquisition of Galileo?

Both Pope Gregory XV and Pope Urban VIII were involved with Galileo's case

What was Pope Benedict's position in the Church before he became pope?

He was a cardinal and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, once known as the Inquisition. He was also dean of the College of Cardinals.

Under who's reign is it generally thought the Inquisition started?

The Inquisition was a Catholic judicial group that worked to keep people from committing heresy. They were cruel, and inflicted torture on huge numbers of innocent people. The Inquisition was started under Pope Gregory XI in 1232.

What were the punishments of the Spanish Inquisition?

The punishments imposed by the Inquisition were: * Fines * Imprisonment * Handing over to the secular authorities for burning at the stake * Pilgrimage * Prayer * Forced to wear a Pope's hat and a pope's clothe but with Black Crosses all over it. AKA San Benito

Is apologized spelled correctly?

That is how you spell 'apologized'

Why did the Pope condone the Spanish Inquisition?

The Pope condone them because they must be forgiven.Human will forgive because God has an infinite mercy.It was forgiven when they stop it and never do it again.It was against in the church to kill naive and people even not Catholic.

How do you put apologized in a sentence?

He apologized to him for being a bad friend

Who was the church court that tried heretics?

A church court which investigated, tried and convicted heretics was the Inquisition.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Inquisition.

What was true of Japanese Interment?

The U.S. government later apologized for it.

Is apologized is present or past verb?

Apologized is the past form of apologize.