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Q: Which pr option involves members
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Which pr option involves members of government?


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Which PR option involves members of governments to affect your recovery?


Which pr option involves government to affect your recovery?

The diplomatic personnel recovery option involves government.

Which pr involves members of government to affect your recovery?


What are the 15 answers to the Army Personnel Recovery 101 test?

DIPLOMATIC, SECDEF, unassisted, REd cross, individuals, preserving lives, report, false, focal groups, pr methods, reintegrate, immediate, visual sightings, PR tasks, endure hardship

Which includes immediate deliberate and unassisted ways to execute the military PR option?

PR methods include the deliberate and unassisted ways of executing the military PR option.

What includes immediate and unassisted ways of executing the military pr option?

PR methods include the deliberate and unassisted ways of executing the military PR option.

The PR civil option may include involvement by who?

PR civil option

What includes immediate deliberated and unassisted ways of executing the military PR option?

PR methods include the deliberate and unassisted ways of executing the military PR option.

What includes immediate deliberate and unassisted ways of executing the military option?

PR methods include the deliberate and unassisted ways of executing the military PR option.

What is the locate phase of the PR execution?

In the case of PR execution, PR stands for "personnel recovery" and involves five IMDC location is performed during the support phase of the Army PR System.