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Q: Which president ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?
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Was Saddam Hussein President of Afghanistan?

No, Saddam Hussein was the President of Iraq.

Why did US get involved in the Persian Gulf War and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Instead of rewriting perfectly good answers, please see the Related Questions.

What continent contains Iraq and Afghanistan?

Iraq and Afghanistan are countries of Asia.

Was there a war going on when George W. Bush was president?

Yes the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan

Did Obama end the war in Iraq or Afghanistan?

He ended the War in Iraq, but not in Afghanistan.

What was george h.w. bush's legacy?

He is a president that has a son as a president as well. He is also remembered for raising taxes after he and promised not to and for the Kuwait War.

What middle eastern country is Iraq and Afghanistan?

Iraq and Afghanistan are unique sovereign nations.

What wars are going on under President Obama?

When Mr. Obama came into office, there were two wars going on, both begun under President Bush. One was in Iraq and the other was in Afghanistan. President Obama kept his promise to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home, but the war is Afghanistan is continuing, and US withdrawal is not scheduled to occur till 2014.

What two countries did the US attack in the war on terror?

The US has invaded several countries during the War on Terror in whole or in part, but the two most prominent such invasions were in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.

Which country is not a member of the axis of evil as identified by President George W. Bush?

Afghanistan is likely the country you are thinking of.

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Did Afghanistan win against Iraq?

Afghanistan has never gone to war with Iraq, so the question is unanswerable.