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Q: Which president threatened to pack the Supreme Court after it ruled against some of his policies?
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Related questions

How did president Roosevelt plan to alter the effect of the Supreme Court ruling against his policies?

he planned to reorganize the courts

How did Roosevelt's plan to alter the effect of the supreme court rulings against his policies?

he planned to reorganize the courts

Who enforces US Supreme Court rulings when they are against the President and the President refuses?

Whenever a U. S. President is in violation of the law as interpreted by the U. S. Supreme Court (or even if he/she is in violation of a law that the Supreme Court has not tested), it is the responsibility of Congress to impeach him/her.

How may president check the judicial branch?

The president appoints the justices of the Supreme Court. His decision of a justice will shape the Court for years (possibly decades) to come. Recall FDR's "Court Packing" scheme from his presidency. He threatened to appoint additional justices (hence the court packing) to counteract the conservative Court's unwillingness to support his quasi socialist policies. The Court, as a whole, was against FDR because of the ideology of members that had been appointed by conservative presidents (case in point).

What are ways that the supreme Court can check the president?

Selects judges

What happens when president goes against supreme court decision?

He can't. They have the final say in an issue.

Are The president's power to appoint supreme court justices is checked by?

The President submits his choice to be a Supreme Court Justice for approval to the Congress. If the Congress does not vote for approval, (and there have been times when they voted against the President's choices), the person does not become a Supreme Court Justice and the President has to select someone else and have that person voted for by the Congress.

During the civil war northern democrats who opposed president lincoln and fought against his policies were known as?


Who has the power to impeach to bring charges against the president and other federal officials?

Congress is able to bring impeachment charges against a president. A majority vote is required in the House of Representatives. The Senate tries the President.

Have American Presidents disobeyed the USA's Supreme Court?

There is a checks and balance system for a reason. A President cannot go against the Supreme Court's decisions, if not simply because the Supreme Court decides what is Constitutional and what is not. As a President, they cannot go against that. Every President, from George Washington to Barrack Obama, took an oath to uphold the Constitution. A President can be impeached for acting against the Constitution. In reality, both the President and Congress sometimes delay acting or fail to fully enforce a Supreme Court decision. This was most notable during the civil rights movement with regard to desegregation, especially before Congress passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968.

What was president Wilson's freedom plan?

Policies that supported changes in banking procedures, taxes on imported goods, and laws against monopolies.

Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks and balances?

"Supreme Court rules against presidential executive order"