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Q: Which presidents did not say so help you god at the end of their oath?
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Why does the president always end his oath of office saying so help you god?

President George Washington started that. At the end of his speach/oath, he said, "So help me God". He said this because he knew that leading a country is easy and he knew that he could not do not do it successfully without God's help. And ever since then, presidents always end their speach with that. :)

What words have nearly all US Presidents added to their oath of office?

"So help me God" has been added by many of the Presidents.

Have the words so help me god always been in the oath of office?

The words "so help me god" have never been present in the oath of office for Presidents, though they appear in other oaths for other offices they are not present in the presidential oath as set down in the Constitution.

What did George Washington add to the end of the oath?

he addded "so god help me "

Does the end of an oath have the period before writing so help you god?

Yes it does :)

Why is the actual oath of office different from the one in the constitution?

Most people who take this oath give their name after "I" at the beginning of the oath and add "so help me God" at the end.

What four words did George Washington add to the oath that has now became traditional?

George Washington added the words "So help me God." to the end of the oath of office that he took when being sworn in as president. The actual wording of the oath is in Article II of the Constitution and does not contain that phrase. Washington added it on his own.

What four words did president Washington use to end hs oath of office?

"So help me God"

What president established the precedent of adding the words So help you God to the presidential oath?

The first President to say the words "so help me God" as the end of his Presidential oath was President Chester A. Arthur in 1881. Each President since then has used those words.

President who is credited with adding so help you god?

So help you god was never an actual part OS the oath.George Washington added it at the end of his oath and it has been tradition to do so ever since.

Is 'so help me God' being taken out of court of law oath?

Most if not all courts do not require the words "So help me God" to be spoken by witnesses when taking the oath.

What do you promises when you take oath?

To uphold the the law , so help me God.